How to Stand Out as a Freelancer: Your Ultimate Guide to Freelancing Success

How to Stand Out as a Freelancer: Your Ultimate Guide to Freelancing Success

New to Freelancing? This guide is for you!

Are you a new freelancer eager to make your mark in the competitive world of freelancing? Whether you’re a graphic designer, writer, web developer, or consultant, standing out from the crowd is essential to attract clients and build a successful freelance career.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore three fundamental steps to help you differentiate yourself and thrive as a freelancer I’ve learned from the great mentors in the industry and the experiences I’ve had all these years.

How to Stand Out as a Freelancer: Your Ultimate Guide to Success with photo of Syed Qassim Acabo

Step 1: Identify Your Niche

Freelancing is a huge landscape. Finding your niche is crucial to your success. Instead of trying to be a jack-of-all-trades, focus on a specific skill, industry, or service that you excel in. By narrowing your focus, you position yourself as a specialist rather than a generalist, making it easier for potential clients to find and hire you.

Why is Finding Your Niche Important as a Freelancer?

1. Becoming a Specialist

When you identify your niche, you become an expert in a particular area, allowing you to offer specialized services that cater to the specific needs of your target audience. Whether it’s designing logos for tech startups or writing blog content for the healthcare industry, specializing in a niche makes you more valuable to potential clients.

2. Standing Out from the Competition

In a crowded marketplace, differentiation is key. By focusing on a niche, you distinguish yourself from other freelancers who offer a broader range of services. Potential clients are more likely to choose you over your competitors because of your specialized expertise and understanding of their industry.

3. Commanding Higher Rates

Specialists command higher rates than generalists. When you position yourself as an expert in your niche, you can justify charging premium prices for your services. Clients are willing to pay more for specialized expertise and the assurance that they’re working with a knowledgeable professional.

How to Find Your Niche

Assess Your Skills and Interests

Start by evaluating your skills, interests, and passions. What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? Identify areas where you have expertise or a strong interest, as these will form the foundation of your niche.

Research the Market

Once you’ve identified potential niches, research the market to assess demand and competition. Look for underserved or emerging markets where you can carve out a niche for yourself. Consider factors such as industry trends, client needs, and competitor analysis.

Test and Refine

Don’t be afraid to experiment and test different niches to see what resonates with you and your target audience. Be open to feedback and adjust your niche based on market response and client feedback.

Commit and Specialize

Once you’ve found your niche, commit to it wholeheartedly. Invest time and effort into developing your expertise and building your brand within your niche. Become known as the go-to expert in your field, and watch as clients come knocking at your door.

📣 Related Reading: 7 Reasons Why New Freelancers Need to Learn Canva Today

photo image og Syed Qassim acabo

Step 2: Highlight Your Uniqueness

Now that you’ve identified your niche, it’s time to differentiate yourself from the competition by highlighting your uniqueness. What sets you apart from other freelancers offering similar services? Communicating your distinct perspective and approach is essential to attracting clients and winning projects.

Why is Highlighting Your Uniqueness Important?

1. Building Credibility and Trust

When you highlight your uniqueness, you demonstrate to potential clients that you have something special to offer. Whether it’s your creative flair, problem-solving skills, or innovative solutions, showcasing your unique qualities builds credibility and trust.

2. Attracting Ideal Clients

By showcasing what makes you unique, you attract clients who resonate with your style and approach. Rather than trying to appeal to everyone, focus on attracting your ideal clients—the ones who appreciate and value what you bring to the table.

3. Standing Out in a Crowded Marketplace

In a crowded marketplace, differentiation is key to success. Highlighting your uniqueness sets you apart from the competition and makes you more memorable to potential clients. When they think of hiring a freelancer for their project, your name will be at the top of their list.

How to Highlight Your Uniqueness

Define Your Brand Identity

Start by defining your brand identity—what you stand for, what you believe in, and what sets you apart from others in your niche. Your brand identity should reflect your personality, values, and unique selling proposition (USP).

Showcase Your Portfolio

Your portfolio is your opportunity to showcase your unique talents and abilities. Highlight your best work and projects that demonstrate your expertise and creativity. Include case studies, testimonials, and client feedback to provide social proof of your skills and capabilities.

Share Your Freelancer Story

Your personal story is a powerful tool for connecting with potential clients on a deeper level. Share your journey, experiences, and lessons learned along the way. Be authentic and transparent, and let your personality shine through in your communication.

Demonstrate Your Expertise

Position yourself as an authority in your niche by sharing valuable content, insights, and tips related to your industry. Write blog posts, create videos, or host webinars that showcase your expertise and provide value to your audience.

with zaprollah mangondato and syed qassim acabo

Step 3: Provide Exceptional Value

The final step in standing out as a freelancer is to provide exceptional value to your clients. Going above and beyond their expectations and delivering outstanding service not only delights your clients but also keeps them coming back for more and referring others to your services.

Why is Providing Exceptional Value Important?

1. Building Long-Term Relationships

Exceptional value is the cornerstone of building long-term relationships with your clients. When you consistently deliver high-quality work and exceed their expectations, you earn their trust and loyalty, leading to repeat business and referrals.

2. Generating Positive Word-of-Mouth

Happy clients are your best advocates. When you provide exceptional value, they’re more likely to sing your praises to others and recommend your services. Positive word-of-mouth referrals are invaluable for growing your freelance business and attracting new clients.

3. Differentiating Yourself from Competitors

In a competitive market, providing exceptional value sets you apart from the competition. While other freelancers may offer similar services, your commitment to delivering exceptional value distinguishes you as a top performer and preferred choice for clients.

How to Provide Exceptional Value – Freelancer

Understand Your Client’s Needs

Start by understanding your client’s needs and expectations. Take the time to listen to their requirements, ask clarifying questions, and ensure you have a clear understanding of what they’re looking for.

Set Realistic Expectations

Be upfront and transparent about what you can deliver and set realistic expectations with your clients. Avoid overpromising and underdelivering, as this can damage your reputation and credibility.

Go Above and Beyond

To provide exceptional value, go above and beyond what is expected of you. Anticipate your client’s needs, offer proactive solutions, and deliver more value than they paid for. Whether it’s delivering ahead of schedule, providing additional revisions, or offering bonus services, exceeding your client’s expectations sets you apart from the competition.

Seek Feedback and Continuously Improve

Finally, seek feedback from your clients on your performance and use it as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Act on constructive feedback to refine your processes, enhance your skills, and deliver an even better experience for your clients in the future.

Stand Out and Succeed as a Freelancer

As an end note, standing out as a freelancer requires a strategic approach and a commitment to excellence. By identifying your niche, highlighting your uniqueness, and providing exceptional value to your clients, you can differentiate yourself from the competition and build a successful freelance career.

Remember, success doesn’t happen overnight, but with perseverance, dedication, and a focus on delivering exceptional value, you can achieve your goals and thrive as a freelancer in today’s competitive marketplace. So go forth, embrace your uniqueness, and make your mark on the world of freelancing!

Want to start freelancing but you don’t know how?

I am offering a free one-on-one coaching program intended for people who want to venture out in the freelancing world. In this program we will assess and hone your skills, build your portfolio, and help you land your first dream client. Interested?



Top 11 Digital Marketing Agencies in the Philippines

Top 11 Digital Marketing Agencies in the Philippines

The Philippines, with its vibrant online community and growing digital economy, presents a goldmine for businesses seeking to expand their reach. But navigating the ever-evolving digital landscape can be daunting. This is where top-notch digital marketing agencies come in, serving as your trusted guides and partners in conquering the online world.

While choosing the perfect agency can feel overwhelming, fear not! We’ve compiled a list of 15 of the Philippines’ leading digital marketing agencies, each with their unique strengths and areas of expertise. Remember, this list is just a starting point – your ideal agency will depend on your specific needs and goals.

1. Acabo Creative Concept (Acabo CC)

Helping businesses blossom online, Acabo CC provides a diverse range of services, including SEO, SEM, social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing

2. Spiralytics, Inc.

Data-driven powerhouses, Spiralytics focuses on ROI and results-oriented strategies. From SEO and SEM to social media and content marketing, they offer a comprehensive suite of services.

3. Carl Ocab Digital Marketing Inc.

Led by SEO expert Carl Ocab, this agency specializes in search engine optimization and Google Ads, also offering web design and development expertise.

4. ExaWeb Corporation

With over 15 years of experience, ExaWeb offers a well-rounded approach to digital marketing, encompassing SEO, SEM, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and web design.

5. Huskee Digital Inc.

Performance-driven and results-focused, Huskee Digital delivers tailored strategies in SEO, SEM, social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing.

6. Optimind Technology Solutions

A full-service agency with experienced professionals, Optimind offers SEO, SEM, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and web design services.

7. WebFocus Asia

Specializing in SEO, SEM, and social media marketing, WebFocus Asia also provides web design and development services.

8. AJ Marketing

This boutique agency offers personalized attention, catering to your unique needs through SEO, SEM, social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing services.

9. E-Com Consulting

E-commerce specialists, E-Com Consulting tailors their SEO, SEM, social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing strategies specifically for online stores.

10. Rocket Media Digital

Results-oriented and data-driven, Rocket Media Digital provides SEO, SEM, social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing services.

11. SEO Hacker

Sharpen your organic search ranking with SEO Hacker’s expertise in on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and technical SEO.


  • Do your research: Explore each agency’s website, portfolio, and client testimonials to understand their approach and expertise.
  • Define your needs: What specific goals do you aim to achieve? Knowing your priorities will help you find an agency that aligns with them.
  • Consider your budget: Agencies offer diverse pricing structures. Be transparent about your budget to find agencies that fit your financial constraints.
  • Schedule consultations: Engage in discussions with potential agencies to understand their communication style, team structure, and how they approach your specific challenges.

By following these tips and utilizing this list as a starting point, you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect digital marketing partner to propel your business forward in the ever-evolving digital landscape of the Philippines.

Looking for an agency to partner with?


Let’s work together.

Choosing the Right Website for Your Business

Choosing the Right Website for Your Business

Website for your business. Feeling lost in the world of website design? You’re not alone. Many business owners, just like you, ask the same question: “What type of website should I build for my business?”

The truth is, there’s no magic one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on what you want your website to achieve. What are your goals? What problems are you trying to solve?

Let’s explore some common website goals and the 4 types of websites that best suit them. Don’t worry, I know exactly why you’re reading this, let me help you answer all your questions.

4 Types of Website for You Business

4 Types of Website for You Business

1. Lead Generation Website

Want to attract potential customers and grow your business? You need a lead generation website. This site captures visitors’ information through forms, calls to action, and pop-ups. Think landing pages, opt-in forms, and clear contact information.

2. Informational Website

Sharing knowledge and building trust? An informational website is your friend. This site educates visitors about your industry, showcases your expertise, and answers frequently asked questions. Think blog posts, case studies, and FAQ sections.

3. E-Commerce Website

Ready to convert visitors into paying customers? An e-commerce website is your powerhouse. This site displays your products or services, allows secure online transactions, and offers a smooth shopping experience. Think product pages, shopping carts, and secure payment gateways.

4. Corporate Website

Looking to establish your brand and connect with your audience? A brochure website can help. This site tells your story, highlights your values, and showcases your team and testimonials. Think about “About Us” pages, team profiles, and client reviews.

Remember, a clear goal is crucial

Once you know what you want your website to do, you can choose the type that best supports your mission.

Bonus Tips

Here are some bonus tips for choosing the right website for your business:

  • Find a developer who understands your business – Don’t be swayed by cheap rates or fancy promises. Look for someone who takes the time to learn about your goals and challenges.
  • Communicate clearly – Before starting the project, make sure you and your developer are on the same page about your expectations and deliverables.
  • Keep it simple – Don’t overwhelm visitors with complex designs or navigation. Focus on delivering a clear message and user-friendly experience.
  • Get help when needed – Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance! Many resources are available, including your developer, online tutorials, and even communities of fellow business owners.

📣 Related: 5 Reasons Why Every Small Business Needs a Website

Is it clear now what type of website for your business you need?

Building a successful website takes planning, effort, and the right team. By understanding your goals and choosing the website type that aligns with them, you’ll be well on your way to creating a digital presence that helps your business thrive.

And remember, if you need help or have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out! Let’s work together to build a website that’s perfect for you.


Let’s work together.

Is Your Company Adapting to New Marketing Strategy?

Is Your Company Adapting to New Marketing Strategy?

Digital Marketing. In the fast-paced landscape of today’s business environment, companies must set sail on the seas of innovation to stay competitive and relevant.

The digital age has ushered in transformative changes, and businesses that fail to adapt risk being left in the wake of progress. In this exploration, we uncover a spectrum of creative and effective business strategies designed to propel businesses forward in this dynamic digital era.

Charting the Course for Digital Marketing Transformation

At the heart of modern marketing lies the imperative to embrace digital transformation. Online strategies, from the realm of social media marketing to the intricacies of search engine optimization (SEO), empower businesses to broaden their reach in a cost-effective manner.

This shift marks a departure from traditional avenues, signifying a pivotal moment in how companies enhance their brand visibility and engagement.

Navigating the Shifting Marketing Landscape

The marketing landscape is a terrain in constant flux, shaped by technological advances and shifts in consumer behavior.

Staying attuned to the latest trends and understanding customer needs are essential for developing targeted and effective marketing campaigns. Companies must navigate these changes adeptly to remain relevant.

📢 Read: 5 Reasons Why Every Small Business Needs a Website

digital marketing acabocc

Driving Informed Decision with Data

In the age of information, data has become the bedrock of modern marketing. Analyzing consumer data through tools like Google Analytics and CRM software enables businesses to make informed decisions, optimizing their advertising efforts for precision targeting and resonating campaigns.

Crafting Personalized Customer Experience

In an era where customers seek personalized experiences, tailoring marketing messages to specific segments is paramount. This not only improves engagement and conversion rates but also fosters brand loyalty.

A seamless customer experience across all touchpoints further solidifies a company’s position in the hearts of consumers.

Social Media Revolution

Social media has revolutionized how businesses connect with their audiences. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn provide potent tools for building communities around brands. Consistent, engaging content and responsiveness are critical components of a successful social media strategy.

Content Marketing

Content remains a driving force in digital marketing. Providing valuable and relevant content positions a company as an industry expert and attracts potential customers organically. Blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos serve as powerful mediums for conveying a brand’s message.

Influencer Marketing

Harnessing the power of influencers has become a staple in modern marketing. Collaborating with influencers who align with a brand’s values extends its reach and credibility. However, authenticity is key, and companies must choose influencers with genuine engagement with their followers.

Voice Search Navigation

The rise of voice assistants demands a shift in promotional strategies. Optimizing for voice search requires adapting content to the conversational tone of voice queries. This approach not only improves search engine rankings but also enhances the user experience.

Video Marketing

Videos, with their engaging and shareable nature, have become integral to digital marketing. Compelling video content, in various forms such as product demonstrations, behind-the-scenes footage, testimonials, and storytelling, captivates audiences and increases brand awareness.

Transforming Consumer Experiences with AR

Augmented Reality (AR) is transforming how consumers experience products and services. AR applications enable customers to visualize products in real-life settings before making a purchase, creating an immersive experience that boosts consumer confidence and drives sales.

AI Chatbots in Action

AI-powered chatbots serve as virtual assistants, handling customer inquiries and providing real-time support. Integrating chatbots into websites or messaging platforms enhances customer service, saves time, and improves satisfaction.

Data Analysis

In any commercial campaign, measuring performance is crucial for success. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI) provide insights to refine and optimize future campaigns.

The AI Revolution

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized marketing by enabling data analysis at scale and automating repetitive tasks. AI-driven tools personalize marketing messages, predict customer behavior, and optimize ad targeting, providing a competitive edge in the market.

Setting Sail into the Future

Adapting to new business strategies is not just an option but a necessity for businesses aiming to thrive in the digital era. Embracing digital transformation, leveraging data-driven insights, and prioritizing customer experience are pivotal in successful advertising campaigns.

Innovations like influencer marketing, voice search optimization, and augmented reality further elevate a company’s efforts.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, agility and openness to emerging technologies will be vital for sustained success. Companies that prioritize innovation and customer-centricity will not only navigate the digital seas effectively but also seize new opportunities and connect with their target audience in meaningful ways.

Color in Marketing: Why Is It Important?

Color in Marketing: Why Is It Important?

Color in Marketing. In the noisy world of marketing, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest trends and flashy techniques. But while algorithms shift and platforms rise and fall, there’s one constant force quietly influencing your audience: color.

Yes, color in marketing isn’t some groundbreaking revelation. But in the age of content overload, understanding its subtle power is more crucial than ever. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about influencing emotions, triggering memories, and guiding decisions.


Here’s why color in marketing deserves a starring role in your strategy:

1. Instant Impact of color in marketing

We make snap judgments within seconds, and color plays a major role. Studies show up to 90% of initial product evaluations are based on color alone. The right hues can grab attention, create a mood, and instantly convey your brand personality.

2. Emotional Resonance

Colors aren’t just visual; they carry powerful emotional baggage. Red screams excitement, blue instills trust, and green evokes growth. Choosing the right palette can tap into your audience’s subconscious desires and build an emotional connection.

3. Brand Storytelling

Think of your brand as a narrative, and color is your vibrant language. A consistent color scheme across your logo, website, and marketing materials helps weave a unified story, making your brand instantly recognizable and memorable.

4. Action Inspiration

Want to drive click-throughs or boost conversions? Then, certain colors can nudge your audience in the right direction. Red calls to action, orange promotes energy and enthusiasm, while green signifies safety and security.

5. Cultural Context

Not all colors speak the same language. Remember, color in marketing is about connecting with your specific audience. Consider cultural associations and regional preferences when choosing your palette. For example, red signifies good luck in China, while white symbolizes mourning in some cultures.

📢 Related Reading: 5 Secrets To Conquering The Content Creation Burn-out

The Power of Color in Marketing

Color in marketing is a powerful tool, but it’s not a magic formula. Use it strategically, considering your brand identity, target audience, and message. Experiment, test, and refine your palette to find the symphony of colors that resonates most deeply with your audience.

So, go forth and paint your marketing masterpiece! Just remember, with great color, comes great responsibility. Choose wisely, and watch your brand shine brighter than ever before.

Additional Resources: Use online tools like Adobe Color or Paletton to explore color palettes and find inspiration for your brand.

Remember, color in marketing is your secret weapon. Use it wisely to captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression. Now go forth and unleash the rainbow!

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